General Admissions

Enroll At NCS Today

NCS offers programming beginning with Preschool and ending with Grade 8 graduation. We are committed to providing educational quality equivalent to, or better than, public school standards. Conversations with local secondary schools indicate our students are well prepared and continue at the same level of academic achievement they enjoyed in elementary school. 


What Makes Us Similar

Students are assessed on a regular basis using a wide range of formative and summative assessment strategies. Our resource teacher is qualified to provide placement testing, and we employ an online, adaptive test (MAP testing) three times a year to provide student and classroom goals for learning. We emphasize individualized programming for each student, and teachers use a wide variety of diagnostic tools to ensure students perform at their own developmental level.

What Makes Us Different

The most notable difference is the presence of a Bible program at each grade level, teaching students how to engage with the Bible. Students will meet each area of the Bible at least once in their K-8 career and some, multiple times! 

But whether it is the perspective from which a unit is taught or how educators carry out assessment and evaluation, the real difference is that every area of education is infused with Biblical worldview. In Math class and in Literacy, students will learn that we all have an active role and responsibility to make this world a better place.


A Christian perspective in all subject areas

Average class sizes of 15 students


Ontario Curriculum with a biblical perspective.


Outdoor learning and activities


Leadership training


Mentorship opportunities

We Ensure Each Child;

Celebrate and explore God’s creation throughout all subject areas
Listen to others and share personal ideas
Express self orally and creatively
Discover differences and similarities through sight, sound, and touch
Improve fine and gross motor skills
Enjoy literacy and numeracy
Discover new Ideas in the classroom and nature

For more information or to reserve a spot for your little one!