

The best way to know if Northumberland Christian School is a good fit for your child(ren) is to stop in for a visit. Many families are ready to enroll once they see our programs and students in action! We would love to meet you and take you on a tour of our Danforth Rd. campus.

Feel free to call the office and arrange a time that fits your schedule or just stop in during school hours. Over summer vacation, we try to respond to phone or email messages within 48 hours. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at your convenience.

Visiting Students

We love to welcome visiting students to our classrooms. If your child feels comfortable, they are invited to join a class for a short or extended visit. This allows the student to get a sense of their peer group and how instruction is delivered. Most visiting students don’t want to leave when it is time to go!

Admissions Representative

After you have come for an initial visit, our admissions representative will meet with you to go over the current enrollment package, including admissions requirements and basic tuition information. We are happy to answer all your questions!

If you would like to move forward with enrollment, you will have the opportunity to sit down with our Financial Administrator who can walk you through all the tuition information.


Tuition costs are usually the first thing families want to know when they inquire about NCS. Of course we would love to offer Christian education without cost, but our school operates solely through tuition and donations. As an independent school, we receive no government support. Unlike other private schools however, Christian schools like NCS are not geared to the wealthy. Many of our families make enormous sacrifices to make Christian education possible.

Our school was built by families who believed that Christian education was the most important foundation they could give their children and it is in that same spirit that families today take the counter-cultural leap to pay for something that the province offers for free! It comes down to making a commitment and finding creative ways to make it happen. For some, it takes a greater support network of church, community, and extended family to make Christian education a reality. When you join a Christian school community, you join a legacy of those who came before you and those who will walk beside you.

Most families find that tuition is comparable to the cost of daycare, so if you are already used to budgeting for that, then Christian education is not that big a step. For others, it is a step of faith to make the financial commitment to begin paying for elementary education, but graduating families will tell you that the investment in your child’s future far outweighs the cost. Every family takes it one step at a time!

We do have a formal tuition structure that is voted on and approved by our membership each year. The tuition grid varies according to number of children in the family enrolled, the grade level or number of days attending, and whether you are a new family to the school. NCS is highly supportive of families and we give generous discounts for siblings to make schooling a reality for the entire family unit.

It is often helpful to sit down with our Financial Administrator to go over the details of tuition to explore payment options that accommodate your needs. Christian schools are non-profit organizations and as such can give a charitable receipt for a portion of tuition paid. The exact amount is determined at the end of the fiscal year and varies depending on the number of children enrolled and the family’s tax bracket, but many families receive a credit of over $1 000.00 when they file their taxes.

Financial Assistance

*bursary applications due by May 1st each year

Northumberland Christian School is a community. We have area churches, alumni, families, and a greater membership who all want to make Christian Education accessible to anyone who desires to attend. Please let us know if you require financial assistance and we will walk you through the options available.

Northumberland Christian School provides families with financial assistance and works in partnership with Christian Schools Foundation to do so. Families who qualify for additional assistance may be eligible for additional funding through the partnering scholarship. Those eligible will be given an access code and be invited to this page to complete a profile using the fast link below.

Enroll with NCS Today

Pre-School Admissions

Come play with us! Preschool is an adventure where play meets learning and friends are community.

Kindergarten Admissions

Kindy is a milestone for each family! Join with us in the work, where parents and teachers establish the foundation for a lifetime of learning.

General Admissions

Where students are Hopeful in their futures, Engaged in their learning, and Flourishing as a whole-hearted child.